[Code] Display checkin list from Foursquare

Foursquare now limits even more the requests sent to their servers, therefore you must use another method.

If you’ve ever wondered how to display a simple list of your latest Foursquare checkins, with a Googlemap link too and without having to install yet another plugin (if you use a CMS, such WordPress for example), here’s the code you need.
This snippet can be used in any site really, all you have to do is edit a few things and you’re ready to go.

// Display the latest Foursquare checkins - Shambix
function fsq_shambix() {
$foursq_feed_URL ='VE5OO4HCULPTZQGYC45DLMMV4CSHHFJS'; //this is your user code, to get it just go to https://foursquare.com/feeds
$foursq_counts = 9; //how many checkins you want to display
$foursq_final_feed_URL = 'https://feeds.foursquare.com/history/'.$foursq_feed_URL.'.rss';
$foursq_object = simplexml_load_file($foursq_final_feed_URL . '?count=' . $foursq_counts);
$items = $foursq_object->channel;
$foursq_checkin = $items->item;
$small_image_width = '85'; //map width
$small_image_height = '85'; //map height
//$icon = '|icon:https://foursquare.com/img/categories/shops/default.png'; //if you want to use a custom marker, change the image url and uncomment this line and comment out the next one
$icon = ''; //if you don't want to use a custom marker leave the code as it is, otherwise read the line above
// DO NOT edit below this line
$count = 0;
foreach ($foursq_checkin as $item) {
$geopoint = $item->children('georss', true)->point;
$descritpion = $item->description;
$title = $item->title;
$img_src = "https://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?sensor=false&size={$small_image_width}x{$small_image_height}&zoom=15&markers=size:small$icon|$geopoint";
$img = "$title";
if ($item->link != '') {
echo "
  • "; $count++; if ($count == $foursq_counts) {break;} } } }

    To activate the function, use the below code wherever you want the list to show up.

    <div class="fsq">
    <h4>My Foursquare</h4>
    <ul><?php fsq_shambix(); ?></ul>

    Now have fun adding some style to the list in your .css!

    The Author

    Jany Martelli

    Solutions Architect, Innovation Consultant, Developer, Professor.
    From digital business consulting, to the development of custom IT solutions, to creating the optimal digital corporate environment: I help companies work better and faster, with custom digital tools and comprehensive innovation strategies, since 2009. I work every day with companies worldwide, from SME to corporate. At IED University, I teach how take full advantage of Technology in Digital Communication.