For a recent project, I needed to develop a calendar with a weekly view that would display events based on 3 different custom post types.
Since the website required a very custom setup, I didn’t want to use an event plugin, since it would have limited the amount of customization that the client needed.
So once the design was ready, the tricky part kicked in: developing a light & dynamic calendar, in a weekly view, with current day & events highlighted, that would show different types of events happening each day.
Thankfully PHP (specifically PHP 5.3+ for Relative Formats) gave me all the necessary tools:
Relative Formats
NumberFormatter Class
The resulting HTML & PHP, already integrated with some custom WordPress queries (that you will need to adjust to your own needs), is in this Gist.
<div id="calendar"> | |
<?php | |
// Dates | |
$year = date('Y'); | |
$first_month_this_year_ts = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("F", strtotime('first month of this year')) + 1, date('d'), date('Y')); // timestamp | |
$today = date("j F Y", strtotime('today')); // human date | |
$today_ts = strtotime('today'); // timestamp | |
$today_day_of_year = date("z", $today_ts);// int | |
// Calculate number of weeks in a year | |
function num_weeks_in_year($year) { | |
$daySum = 0; | |
for ($x = 1; $x <= 12; $x++) | |
$daySum += cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $x, $year); | |
return $daySum / 7; // int | |
} | |
$num_weeks_in_year_int = substr(num_weeks_in_year($year), 0, 2); // 52 | |
$current_week_n = idate('W', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'))); // 28 | |
// Returns the "adjusted" number of weeks in a month, for the weekly view (some months will have 5 weeks since months dont always start on a Monday) | |
function total_weeks_in_month($year, $month, $start_day_of_week) { | |
// Total number of days in the given month. | |
$num_of_days = date("t", mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); | |
// Count the number of times it hits $start_day_of_week. | |
$num_of_weeks = 0; | |
for($i=1; $i<=$num_of_days; $i++) { | |
$day_of_week = date('w', mktime(0,0,0,$month,$i,$year)); | |
if($day_of_week==$start_day_of_week) | |
$num_of_weeks++; | |
} | |
return $num_of_weeks; | |
} | |
?> | |
<div class="calendar"> | |
<div class="calendarMonthWrap"> | |
<!-- Months --> | |
<div class="calendarMonth"> | |
<?php | |
// Get all months of the year | |
$first_month_this_year_monthloop_ts = $first_month_this_year_ts; | |
for ($m = 1; $m <= 12; $m++) { | |
// How many "adjusted" weeks this months? end and beginning of 2 months could be in the same week view | |
$total_weeks = total_weeks_in_month($year, $m,0); | |
$month = strftime('%B', $first_month_this_year_monthloop_ts); | |
$first_month_this_year_monthloop_ts = strtotime('+1 month', $first_month_this_year_monthloop_ts); | |
// Current Month Class | |
if ($m == 0) { | |
$month_class = 'first'; | |
} elseif ($m == 11) { | |
$month_class = 'last'; | |
} elseif ($month == date("F", strtotime('today'))) { | |
$month_class = 'active-month'; | |
} else { | |
$month_class = ''; | |
} | |
echo '<div class="month ' . $month_class . '">' . date_i18n("F", strtotime($month)) . ' <strong>' . date('Y') . '</strong>'; | |
?> | |
<!-- Weeks --> | |
<div class="weekWrap"> | |
<div class="calendarWeek"> | |
<?php | |
// Get all weeks of the year | |
$first_day_of_month = new DateTime('first day of ' . date("F", strtotime($month)) . ' ' . date('Y')); | |
// Since the first day may not be a Monday, let's find the monday right before the first month day | |
$first_day_of_month_ts = strtotime($first_day_of_month->format('j F Y')); | |
for ($w = 0; $w < $total_weeks; $w++) { | |
// We need this value to update as we loop | |
if($w != 0 ){ | |
$first_day_of_month_ts = strtotime('+1 week', $first_day_of_month_ts); | |
} else { | |
$first_day_of_month_ts = strtotime('+0 week', $first_day_of_month_ts); | |
} | |
// Week div classes | |
$week_of_day_class = ''; | |
$week_active = ''; | |
if ($w == 0) { | |
$week_of_day_class = ' first_week_of_month '; | |
$week_active = ''; | |
} elseif (($w + 1) == $total_weeks) { | |
$week_of_day_class = ' last_week_of_month '; | |
$week_active = ''; | |
} | |
if (($w + 1) == ceil( date( 'j', strtotime( 'today' ) ) / 7 ) && date("F", strtotime('today')) == $month) { | |
$week_active = ' weeksActive'; | |
} elseif ($w == 0 && date("F", strtotime('today')) != $month) { | |
} | |
// Start Week block | |
echo '<div class="weeks w' . ($w + 1) . $week_of_day_class . $week_active . '">'; | |
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">'; | |
// Get week days first letter | |
echo '<tr id="week" class="day">'; | |
for ($d = 0; $d < 7; $d++) { | |
$day_long_ts = strtotime('monday +' . $d . ' day this week ' . date('Y-m-d', $first_day_of_month_ts)); | |
$day_long = date_i18n("D", $day_long_ts); | |
$day = $day_long[0]; | |
// Current Day Class | |
$day_of_the_year = date("z", $day_long_ts); | |
if ($today_day_of_year == $day_of_the_year) { | |
$current_class = ' current'; | |
} else { | |
$current_class = ''; | |
} | |
echo '<td class="d' . $day_of_the_year . $current_class . '">' . $day . '</td>'; | |
} | |
echo '</tr>'; | |
// Get week day number | |
echo '<tr id="day" class="day">'; | |
for ($d = 0; $d < 7; $d++) { | |
$dayn_ts = strtotime('monday +' . $d . ' day this week ' . date('Y-m-d', $first_day_of_month_ts)); | |
$dayn = date_i18n("j", $dayn_ts); | |
// Current Day N Class | |
$day_of_the_year = date("z", $dayn_ts); | |
if ($today_day_of_year == $day_of_the_year) { | |
$current_class = ' current'; | |
} else { | |
$current_class = ''; | |
} | |
echo '<td class="d' . $day_of_the_year . $current_class . '">' . $dayn . '</td>'; | |
} | |
echo '</tr>'; | |
// Get calendar Events | |
echo '<tr class="C-event">'; | |
for ($d = 0; $d < 7; $d++) { | |
$weekday_ts = strtotime('monday +' . $d . ' day this week ' . date('Y-m-d', $first_day_of_month_ts)); | |
$day_of_the_year = date("z", $weekday_ts); | |
$beginning_of_day = strtotime("midnight", $weekday_ts); | |
$end_of_day = strtotime("tomorrow", $beginning_of_day) - 1; | |
// Check if values are cached, if not cache them | |
$events_today = 'custom_weekly_cal_' . date('j', $weekday_ts) . date('F', $weekday_ts) . date('Y', $weekday_ts) . '_6h'; | |
//delete_transient($events_today); | |
if (get_transient($events_today) === false) { | |
// Get posts for each day | |
$loop_news = new WP_Query(array( | |
'posts_per_page' => 1, | |
'post_type' => 'post', | |
'meta_query' => array( | |
array( | |
'key' => 'wpcf-data_inizio', // custom field with event start timestamp | |
'value' => array($beginning_of_day, $end_of_day), | |
'compare' => 'BETWEEN', | |
'type' => 'numeric' | |
), | |
) | |
)); | |
// Get events for each day | |
$loop_events = new WP_Query(array( | |
'posts_per_page' => 1, | |
'post_type' => 'evento', | |
'meta_query' => array( | |
array( | |
'key' => 'wpcf-data_inizio', | |
'value' => array($beginning_of_day, $end_of_day), | |
'compare' => 'BETWEEN', | |
'type' => 'numeric' | |
), | |
) | |
)); | |
// Get corsi for each day | |
$loop_corsi = new WP_Query(array( | |
'posts_per_page' => 1, | |
'post_type' => 'corso', | |
'meta_query' => array( | |
array( | |
'key' => 'wpcf-data_inizio', | |
'value' => array($beginning_of_day, $end_of_day), | |
'compare' => 'BETWEEN', | |
'type' => 'numeric' | |
), | |
) | |
)); | |
// Final Query | |
$final_query = new WP_Query(); | |
// Merging queries | |
$final_query->posts = array_merge($loop_news->posts, $loop_events->posts, $loop_corsi->posts); | |
// Recount | |
$final_query->post_count = count($final_query->posts); | |
// Cache Results | |
set_transient($events_today, $final_query, 6 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS); | |
} | |
$final_query = get_transient($events_today); | |
$post_count = $final_query->post_count; | |
// Convert number into letters | |
if ($post_count > 0) { | |
$f = new NumberFormatter("en", NumberFormatter::SPELLOUT); | |
$num_events = $f->format($post_count) . 'Event'; | |
} else { | |
$num_events = ''; | |
} | |
// Current Event Class | |
if ($today_ts == $weekday_ts) { | |
$current_class = ' current'; | |
} else { | |
$current_class = ''; | |
} | |
// Event dots wrapper | |
echo '<td class="' . $num_events . ' d' . $day_of_the_year . ' ' . $current_class . '">'; | |
if ($post_count > 0) { | |
if ($final_query->have_posts()) : | |
while ($final_query->have_posts()) : $final_query->the_post(); | |
$post_type = get_post_type(); | |
// Colore | |
if ($post_type == 'post') { | |
$post_color_class = CLASS_CALENDAR_POST; | |
$post_data_class = DATA_CALENDAR_POST; | |
} elseif ($post_type == 'evento') { | |
$post_color_class = CLASS_CALENDAR_EVENTO; | |
$post_data_class = DATA_CALENDAR_EVENTO; | |
} elseif ($post_type == 'corso') { | |
$post_color_class = CLASS_CALENDAR_CORSO; | |
$post_data_class = DATA_CALENDAR_CORSO; | |
} elseif ($post_type == 'prenotazione') { | |
$post_color_class = CLASS_CALENDAR_PRENOTAZIONE; | |
$post_data_class = DATA_CALENDAR_PRENOTAZIONE; | |
} else { | |
$post_color_class = ''; | |
$post_data_class = ''; | |
} | |
echo '<span data-Name="' . get_the_title() . '" data-eventcolor="' . $post_data_class . '" class="eventCricle ' . $post_color_class . '"></span>'; | |
endwhile; | |
endif; wp_reset_query(); wp_reset_postdata(); | |
} | |
echo '</td>'; | |
} // end of daily Events | |
echo '</tr>'; | |
?> | |
<?php | |
// End of Week Block | |
echo '</table></div>'; | |
} | |
?> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<?php | |
echo '</div>'; | |
} | |
?> | |
</div> | |
<!-- Calendar Navigation --> | |
<div class="prev month-nav"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-left" aria-hidden="true"></i></div> | |
<div class="next month-nav"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></div> | |
<div class="prev week-nav"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-left" aria-hidden="true"></i></div> | |
<div class="next week-nav"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<!-- Title of events / placeholder --> | |
<div class="bottomtext"> | |
<?php | |
// Placeholder Events for today | |
$placeholder_query = get_transient('custom_weekly_cal_' . date('j') . date('F') . date('Y') . '_6h'); | |
if ($placeholder_query) { | |
if ($placeholder_query->have_posts()) : while ($placeholder_query->have_posts()) : $placeholder_query->the_post(); | |
the_title(); | |
endwhile; | |
endif; wp_reset_query(); wp_reset_postdata(); | |
} | |
?> | |
</div> | |
</div> |
You will notice the use of WordPress transients, this is to cache the queries as much as possible to improve performance and page load.
The calendar can scroll by month and by week obviously, on click of a certain day it also highlights it and adds a dot inside the circles, which represent all the different types of event, showing at the bottom their title.
Now, the original version was a gold design, so here is the CSS for it.
And finally, the Javascript which handles the scrolling and active year/month/day/events transitions.
Now that you have your sweet weekly calendar, you might also be interested in creating a handy .ics calendar file, for all your events.